Tunel Wielki Cave is located in Koziarnia Gorge, in a group of rocks called Sadlane. We’ve planned to dig here for two months, since the profile that we’ve wanted to uncover was almost 4 metres deep. We started our excavations here in the middle of July, when bad weather and rain made digging in Sąspowska Cave impossible.

We opened a trench in the entrance to the cave, but in contrast to Sąspowska Zachodnia Cave, before the entrance to this cave there was a huge open space. There was also no need to construct a ropeway for transporting bags with soil. Nonetheless excavations in Tunel where quite a challenge. During deepening the trench we had to form steps, so that we could reach the bottom, that was more than 4 metres deep. Also number of artefacts, which all must have been documented, put our skills and efficiency to test.