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The winter is getting closer, nevertheless, we’ve decided to take a short trip to Ojców and do surveys. We continued our geomagnetic research in the vicinity of Ojców, and also looked for traces of Lusatian culture during the survey.  We took the opportunity to check out a new, potential site. Maybe in a few months, when the weather will be more suitable, we will come back there and excavate.

Mimo zimnej aury, widoki na Jurze Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej zachwycają. Na zdjęciu Jaskinia Mamutowa. Fot. Claudio Berto
BędkowskaValley. Phot. Claudio Berto


Łabajowa Cave Phot. Claudio Berto


Michał Leloch during non-ivasive  research. Phot. Claudio Berto