Fieldwork season has ended, but after only few weeks in Warsaw we set off again to Sąspowska Valley. Main point of our journey was the recognition of potential archaeological sites, but also exploring sites in Sąspowska Valley, that were investigated in XIXth century or in the first half of the XXth century.

During the first day we hiked through Jamki Gorge, searching and exploring selected caves. Among others we’ve visited Złodziejska Cave and Zbójecka Cave. Jamki Gorge is situated in part of the National Park covered with strict protection. We had then a great opportunity to admire beauty of Ojców National Park in its most natural and undisturbed form. At the end of the day we succeeded also in verification of a field of charcoal piles (structures in which charcoal was made). They were discovered thanks to images from LIDAR, that is air scanning of surface with light, which differences in dispersion, allows to see structures invisible from ground.

On the second day we penetrated forests in the vicinity of Ojców in search for mines and flints outcrops. These survey and artefacts obtained during it, will allow us to take a broader look at the problem of settlement in the Sąspowska Valley.