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The cave is located on the southern slope of Sąspowska Valley, about 90 m above its bottom, in a group of rocks between two nameless gorges. It has two entrance openings, one with a southern exposure and the other with an eastern one. According to old plans, both archaeological and geological, it has an oblong shape and is 14 m long. It is filled with a sediment almost to the ceiling . Observations made during the research carried out as part of the project, seem to indicate, that the cave is much larger than previously thought.


An outline of Ciasna Cave created via corelation of old plans made by prof. Chmielewski and recent excavations, carried out as part of the project. The missing part is buried under soil and leafs deep enough for the closer exploration to be impossible. Old trenches, as well as new ones (marked grey) are marked on the plan. Created by Małgorzata Kot

Professor Chmielewski conducted here excavations in 1969-1970. They concentrated in the zones of the entrances to the cave and indicated traces of its use by people from late palaeolitic to Bronze Age.

Ciasna Cave during excavation in 70s. Photograph shows a trench in front of the southern entrance to the cave. Photo from Waldemar Chmielewski archive. 
Ciasna Cave today. Phot. Małgorzata Kot